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Storm Water Runoff Responsibilities

Storm Water Runoff Responsibilities (17 min.) Water is peaceful, clean, and is the earth's lifeline. It's a wonderful sight, but is it really as clean as it looks? Most of us don't think about water because it's everywhere. It's what we drink and use in millions of different ways, from manufacturing to recreation. This program will discuss wet weather discharges or storm water runoff. We'll discuss a range of information, all related to what each person and organization can do to help reduce the harmful effects of storm water runoff. Runoff is a major concern to our global environment, people, animals, and ECO systems.

Topics included in this safety video are: fundamentals, standard industrial classification, the basics, residential pollution, commercial pollution, industrial pollution, best management practices - structural, and operational or non-structural BMPs.

Program comes with a CD-ROM of written materials, including test questions and answers. English title also includes PowerPoint presentation.

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