
Call for Quote on
Large-Quantity Orders

Shipping Information

It can be frustrating when a good deal ends up not so great once shipping and tax is factored in. We've streamlined the ordering process to provide a simple, up-front purchasing experience. No matter how many items you order, we ship everything within the contiguous 48 US states for the flat rate of $9.95 per order. It's that simple. Plus, all purchases are sales tax free when ordering outside of the state of Alabama.

Basic Shipping Options Cost
UPS Ground (Continental U.S.) $9.95
UPS Ground (Alaska & Hawaii) $24.95
UPS Standard (Canada) $29.95
UPS International (excluding Canada) Please Call

Expedited Orders

All orders to be expedited cannot be placed online. Call, fax, or e-mail us to receive assistance and discounted rates.

Shipping Locations
Safety Video Direct ships from more than one location, so your order may arrive in separate packages depending upon the items requested. You will not be charged for any additional freight if this occurs.

When Will My Order Ship?
We ship every business day - Monday through Friday. Most orders will be processed and shipped within 24 business hours from the time of purchase. Please call for assistance if your order needs to be expedited or your country is not on the list.