
Call for Quote on
Large-Quantity Orders

Why Us

Making a Purchase
Making a purchase could not be easier. Browse our online catalog to place an order. We have a quick search, browse, site search, and a site map to allow easy navigation and checkout. Alternatively, call our toll-free number 1-866-400-5252 during business hours to place an order or for assistance.

Low Prices
Most of our videos are priced under $200; we don't leave low prices to chance. Safety Video Direct takes advantage of every discount and purchase opportunity possible. Our price-match guarantee enables you to purchase with confidence. Please call for a quote on any large-quantity purchase.

Safety Video Direct buys directly from well-respected safety manufacturers with names you know and trust.

Flat-Rate Shipping
Our $9.95 flat-rate shipping to the continental United States by UPS reminds you that our customers are extremely important to us. There may be additional charges if it is necessary to ship in another manner.

Credit Cards or Purchase Orders
We accept most major credit cards and company purchase orders. To place a company purchase order, please call 1-866-400-5252 for assistance as our shopping cart does not process them.