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Water Agency Security

Water Agency Security (19 min.) Especially since 9/11, drinking water system facilities are faced with the mandate of incorporating new security measures, tightening ones already in place, and taking a look at a number of other relevant sensitive issues. Damage to wastewater treatment facilities can result in contamination of drinking water supplies, environmental damage, economic impact, and a negative effect on Public Health. It's extremely important that all employees working in and around wastewater treatment facilities take personal responsibility for security and cooperate with all policies and procedures.

Topics included in this safety video are: The Basics (reviewing all security policies and procedures, appropriate doors are locked, hatches are secure, alarms are set in the office areas, lift stations, and treatment plants, doors and access points to be locked and alarms set when you're away from the area, limit the access to unauthorized employees/visitors/outside personnel by utilizing security badges/code keys/controlled keys, background checks on all employees, report any suspicious activity, and restricting visitors), The Past (by analyzing where and by what means a security breach occurred, you can determine weaknesses in your security plan), Communications, (coordinate your security activities and plan development with other departments, such as police, fire, emergency management, etc), Inventory (inventory all wastewater system facilities), Security (begins with the hiring process), Organizational Security (on-site purification), and Threats (bio-chem water contamination, water system disruption by biological or chemical exposures, water system disruption by vandalism or terrorism).

Program comes with a CD-ROM of written materials, including test questions and answers. English title also includes PowerPoint presentation.

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