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Hot Work Permits

Hot Work Permits (9 min.) The use of a Hot Work Permit system as a primary means of preventing fires due to non-routine open flame and high temperature processes. Hot Work is any work using open flames or sources of heat that could ignite materials in the work area. Some of the examples of hot work are:

-propane soldering
-oxyacetylene cutting
-grinding ferrous metals

Topics included in this safety video are: contact the fire marshal, safety engineer, or maintenance manager to have a hot work permit issued, permits are issued for the specific job being done, and for a specific time period, fire marshal, safety engineer, maintenance manager or other person designated to issue hot work permits has the responsibility to verify that all necessary precautions have been taken at the worksite, making sure the sprinkler systems are in service, cutting and welding equipment is in good repair, work area that will be used should be cleared of any debris for 35 feet, floors must be swept clean of combustibles, combustible floors should be wetted down and covered with damp sand or fire-resistive sheets, is a fire watch necessary, the system, structural hot work, mechanical hot work, general activities hot work, renovations and remodels permits are issued in 7-day intervals, demolition hot work, mechanical hot work, general activities hot work, and a permit is required if the work will occur within 40 feet of a building or potential hazard such as a fuel storage tank.

Program comes with a CD-ROM of written materials, including test questions and answers. English title also includes PowerPoint presentation.

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Unit Price $195.00
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