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Job Safety Analysis

Job Safety Analysis (12 min.) There are many tools which organizations use to help reduce and eliminate accidents and injuries. One of the more important tools is what we call the job safety analysis. It's been around for a long, long time. JSA or Job Safety Analysis are just fancy words for finding out potential job hazards and unsafe procedures so we can reduce accidents. In recent years, job hazard analysis has crept into the safety vocabulary as OSHA requires hazard assessments in many of their standards.

Topics included in this safety video are: hazard types (impact with a falling or flying object, penetration of sharp objects, caught in or between a stationary or moving object, falls from an elevated work platform, ladders, or stairs, excessive lifting, twisting, pushing, pulling, reaching, or bending, exposure to vibrating power tools, excessive noise, cold or heat, or harmful levels of gasses, vapors, liquids, fumes, or dust, repetitive motion, electrical hazard, light or optical radiation such as welding operations and similar activity, water has the potential for drowning or fungal infections caused by wetness), conducting the analysis (select jobs with the highest risk for a workplace injury or illness, select an experienced employee who is willing to be observed, involve the employee and his/her immediate supervisor in the process, identify and record each step necessary to accomplish the task, use words such as pick up, turn on, step down, and others to describe each step, identify all actual or potential safety and health hazards associated with each task, determine and record the recommended action or actions or procedures for performing each step that will eliminate or reduce the hazard, engineering changes, job rotation, use of PPE, and similar recommendations), what is a job safety or hazard analysis?, procedure which helps integrated accepted safety and health principles and practices into a particular operation, and how and where to begin.

Program comes with a CD-ROM of written materials, including test questions and answers. English title also includes PowerPoint presentation.

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