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Competent Person: Trenching and Shoring

Competent Person:  Trenching and Shoring (29 min.) It occurs year after year, workers needlessly dying in trench cave-ins. The tragedy lies with the fact that these workers should have never have been in a situation in which their lives were on the line. Based on National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health statistics, an average of 60 workers die in cave-ins annually. According to NIOSH, these deaths are entirely preventable.

Topics included in this safety video are: causes of fatalities, soil, causes of cave-ins, what is a trench, OSHA standards, what the competent person must do, inspections, hazardous atmospheres, water control, soil classification, manual testing, and the pocket penetrometer.

Program comes with a CD-ROM of written materials, including test questions and answers. English title also includes PowerPoint presentation.

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