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Emergency Preparedness and Recovery

Emergency Preparedness and Recovery (38 min.) Without trying to recap what occurred with the Katrina and Rita disasters, we'd like to present ideas, recommendations, and observations about emergency preparedness, as lessons learned from first responders, corporations, the government, and volunteer organizations. This program relates to almost any type of emergency, including terrorism, although we will discuss predominantly hurricane and flooding disasters.

Topics included in this safety video are: responder safety and health, disaster cleanup hazards, general precautions, clothing and personal protective equipment, fire protection, fungi, infectious diseases, responders handling human remains, electrical safety generators, personal safety, keep food and drinking water safe, wash your hands, prevent illness from sewage, prevent or treat wounds, protect mental health, overview, interview with Major General Timboe regarding volunteer doctors.

Program comes with a CD-ROM of written materials, including test questions and answers. English title also includes PowerPoint presentation.

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