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Drug & Alcohol Abuse for Employees CD-ROM

Drug & Alcohol Abuse for Employees CD-ROM Substance abuse is a huge, worldwide problem. In the United States alone there are over 50 million binge drinkers, 17 million illegal drug users and almost 15 million people who abuse prescription drugs. Most substance abusers have jobs. In fact, it is estimated that one out of every ten workers has a substance abuse problem. An employee with an alcohol or drug problem can decrease productivity, create a hostile work environment and damage a company's good name. Worst of all, the actions of a worker who is "under the influence" can completely undermine a company's efforts to keep people safe.

The first in a two-part series on dealing with drug and alcohol abuse in the workplace, MARCOM's training products on "Dealing with Drug and Alcohol Abuseā€¦ for Employees" discuss the various types of substance abuse that are found in the workplace, how they can affect an employee''s work situation and what employees themselves can do to help keep their workplace drug and alcohol free. Topics covered in these products include:
  • How substances are typically abused by employees.
  • Alcohol and other depressants, and their effects.
  • Stimulants, narcotics and hallucinogens, and their effects.
  • How people get "hooked" on drugs and alcohol.
  • Alcohol and drug policies.
  • Helping employees overcome substance abuse.
  • and more.

Each interactive course is about 30-45 minutes long depending on the topic. Courses are divided into a number of logical sections, each with its own quiz, so information is easily understood... and retained.

Also designed with training managers in mind, courses in the Interactive CD-ROM Training Library include a learning management system (LMS) at no additional cost. Using this system, trainers can define curricula... establish log-in procedures... even set up "pre" and "post" tests. The system also tracks employee activity through a powerful relational database, which can generate a number of informative reports. A database import/export feature also allows information to be transferred to and from databases in other software packages, such as a company's human resource system.

MARCOM's interactive CD-ROM courses and learning management system can be run on standalone computers as well as "hard-wired" local and wide area networks (LANs and WANs).

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