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Chemical Inventory and Safe Work Practices

Chemical Inventory and Safe Work Practices (13 min.) Although there are benefits from chemicals, whether it''s cleaning products or any industrial chemical, there is a potential for safety and health risks. A hazardous chemical is any product that causes a physical or health hazard. It''s best to assume that any product that requires a Material Safety Data Sheet would be considered a hazardous chemical. This is even more important to our industry as we work with so many different types of chemicals. Some chemicals are fairly safe; however, others can present a significant risk to our personal safety if they are used, handled and stored improperly.

We must be mindful of other important elements relating to chemical inventory and storage such as acquisition, identification, storage, distribution, and disposal. Each element provides an occasion for an accident, but also offers an opportunity to significantly improve safety in our workplace.

Topics covered in this safety video include: Training, best practices, chemical inventory, labeling and identification, chemical storage, storage, and handling chemicals.

Program comes with a CD-ROM of written materials, including test questions and answers. English title also includes PowerPoint presentation.

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