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How To Investigate An Accident (Schools)

How To Investigate An Accident (Schools) (13 min.)Industrial accidents occur every day. Some are major with injuries to workers and damage to property, but most are minor and don't involve time lost, medical care, or repairs to property. We want to explain the basics of accident investigation and the benefits of investigating every accident regardless of its size or severity and why this policy is an essential part of your overall safety program.

Topics covered in this safety video include: accident, non-injury accidents and injury accidents, the purpose of an investigation, accident investigation and the data gathered, assign codes for specific categories of the data, minimum data elements, any other conditions, use and nature of preventative measures, determine patterns of accidents in similar areas, at similar times and under similar circumstances from trends that will justify corrective action.

Program comes with a CD-ROM of written materials, including test questions and answers. English title also includes PowerPoint presentation.

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