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HAZWOPER: On-Site Safety Consideration
Topics included in this safety video are: Offensive and Defensive safety postures, physical and chemical hazards, six basic physical hazards i.e. kinetic/mechanical hazards - slip, trip and fall, thermal hazards - fires, explosions, hot environments, and thermal hazards, electrical hazards - overhead power lines, cables, downed electrical lines, buried cable, electrical tools used on site, physical hazards, noise, biological hazards - poisonous plants and animals or disease producing organisms, radiological hazards - ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, engineering controls, good safe work practices and personal protective equipment, management commitment - disciplinary program, written standard operating procedures, training, Medical Surveillance Program including appropriate medical examinations, monitoring of the air, Medical base line exams, annual examinations, specific exams based upon exposures, termination exams, maintaining these records for 30 years, On Site Safety Considerations, basics of confined spaces, Permit Required (hazardous to enter unless special precautions are taken) and Non-Permit Required confined spaces (does not actually or potentially contain hazards that could cause death or serious physical harm), physical hazards you might find in a confined space (atmosphere extremely hazardous because of the lack of natural air movement can result in oxygen-deficient atmospheres, flammable atmospheres, and/or toxic atmospheres) Oxygen Deficiency, specific hazards you might find or is created by a confined space, basic checklists, medical surveillance, the actual permit, if one is required, labeling and posting requirements, atmospheric testing before entering the confined space, and preparation, safety equipment, written procedures, and record keeping.
Program comes with a CD-ROM of written materials, including test questions and answers. English title also includes PowerPoint presentation.