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Cranes, Chains, Slings & Hoists

Cranes, Chains, Slings & Hoists (11 min.)The most important safety feature is the operator's knowledge of how to use, inspect, and maintain the equipment. Safety around hoisting equipment is extremely important because one little mistake can be disastrous. Damaged or worn out parts also make your equipment unsafe to use. Something that everyone must know and understand is simply this: if your equipment is unsafe to use, don't use it. That goes for any equipment. If it's unsafe, don't use it. Inspect your hoisting equipment every day. Any equipment can break, wear out, or become damaged. It's your responsibility to check it thoroughly before you use it. If something is wrong or unsafe, report it to your foreman who will take action to get it corrected.

Topics included in this safety video are: metal chains, links, sharp edges, and overloading your equipment.

Program comes with a CD-ROM of written materials, including test questions and answers. English title also includes PowerPoint presentation.

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